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Advanced Code Phonics Program - Digital Download
Workbook Overview
The Advanced Code Phonics Workbook plus Instruction Manual can be used once a child has a reasonable grasp of the sounds associated with the consonant letters such as f, m, n, t, and z. It contains:
- Hands-on exposure to all the common spellings of English sounds without requiring memorization of dozens of phonics rules
- Extremely efficient method of tackling newly-encountered multisyllable words while providing a solid framework for explaining the phonics structure in the thousands of words a child will encounter in lifelong reading
- Additional exercises reinforce the information learned as the new spellings of each sound are introduced.
Designed To Build Confidence
The workbook is a guided process, the guide being a parent, a teacher or tutor, or even an older sibling. The person guiding the child, while following the instructions in the separate instruction manual, provides essential feedback during the lessons. That way, steady progress is encouraged, but mistakes are corrected before they can become ingrained.
Typically, a struggling reader will begin to gain confidence after a few lessons when it becomes apparent that the system is making sense, and that the student is actually learning new information that will help them become a better reader.
Instructions Overview
The Instruction Manual for the Advanced Code Phonics Workbook is essential reading for the parent, tutor, or teacher guiding a child through the workbook curriculum.
Specific instructions are given for each page of the workbook along with detailed explanations on how to introduce new concepts to the child.
An appendix lays out a testing procedure that can be administered to a child before starting the workbook, and then given again later to measure progress in acquiring the various phonics skills and the phonics code itself. Another appendix describes an effective way to correct the inevitable errors that a child will make during the learning process. Both appendices should be read before beginning the guiding process.
Parent/Tutor Expectations
A parent/tutor is expected to oversee nearly all the lessons because immediate feedback, both positive and corrective, is essential to the success of the program.
A parent using the program only one time should plan on spending time studying the instructions before beginning so that the program is properly implemented. For a parent or tutor working with additional students, the instruction manual serves as a quick reminder on the special instructions that are associated with many of the workbook lessons.
While the workbook itself is intended as a one-time-use disposable product, only one Instruction Manual is needed, no matter the number of students. The Instruction Manual is, essentially, the core of the curriculum and should be followed closely while proceeding through each student’s individual workbook.
Brilliantly simple and straightforward
“Easy for parents to use – brilliantly simple, logical and straightforward, and it produced effective results after we'd tried a number of popular reading methods without seeing any change.”
— Mom B. -
Great for all ages
“My favorite thing about OnTrack is the section at the back of the workbook that presents rules to help a student break down three and four syllable words. These pages have helped my daughter tremendously. Even my older daughter, after overhearing our sessions, told me she now uses this strategy to decode unfamiliar words.”
An ingenious method
“The book also includes an ingenious method by which to teach multi-syllable decoding - which should be tried by any teacher struggling to teach a reliable strategy / approach for reading two and three syllable words.”
Ahead of the #SoR curve for a long time!
“I've actually used OnTrackReading's highly effective approach to multisyllable words for years. For many children, realising that they *can* read long scary words is the final key to reading success. Rod's been ahead of the US #SoR curve for a long time!”
— Twitter User -
The key to understanding diagraphs
“I initially used your program with my own daughter and with great success. She had the basics but simply stopped progressing, and only your program helped her overcome the hurdle of understanding digraphs and the great range of sound combinations available and how to apply them. I spent just under a year doing the program with her (for about 15 minutes, 3-4 days per week) and she is now an amazing reader!”
Even my highest readers have had 'Ah ha!' moments
“I teach 5th graders. Even my highest readers have had 'Ah ha!' moments using these rules. I have some very low readers, 2nd and 3rd grade levels, that are now decoding at a much higher rate. Thanks for this resource.”
— Christine V. -
An outstanding curriculum
“Mr. Everson has written an outstanding curriculum. I have been so fortunate to have discovered the Advanced Code Workbook.”
— Trudy K. -
So happy to have found it
“You are a genius for having put these two programs together so well. So happy to have found it!”
Digital Licensing Agreement
By purchasing the digital PDF version of the OnTrack Reading Advanced Code Phonics Program, you are granted a non-transferable, annual license for educational purposes only. This license is valid for approximately 15 months (460 days) to accommodate the school/business budgeting process.
Usage is limited to the maximum number of students permitted by the selected license tier. Copies made within the 460-day period may be used post-expiration, provided the total students served does not exceed the allowed maximum.
Distribution of the Licensed Materials to anyone outside the purchasing organization, except for students using the program, is prohibited.
For more information, please read our full Digital Licensing Agreement.
Digital Product Refund Policy
We stand behind our program and your satisfaction is important to us. However, due to the immediate access and delivery of digital products, we generally do not allow refunds once a digital product has been purchased and delivered.
If you change your mind about your purchase and you have not downloaded our product, we will happily issue a refund upon your request.
Refund requests made after you have downloaded our product are handled on a case by case basis and are issued at our sole discretion. Refund requests, if any, must be made within seven (7) days of your original purchase.
For more information, please read our full Digital Product Refund Policy.